Download Your Google Data

Step 1: Go to Google Takeout

1. Open a web browser and go to Google Takeout.

Step 2: Sign In

1. Log in with the Google account you want to download data from, if you aren’t already logged in.

Step 3: Select Data to Include

1. You will see a list of Google services with checkboxes.

2. By default, all services are selected. Click “Deselect all” if you want to choose specific services.

3. Check the boxes for the services whose data you want to download (e.g., Gmail, Photos, Drive).

4. Click on “All data included” (if available) next to a service to refine your selection further, such as specific files, albums, or labels.

Step 4: Customize File Format

1. Scroll to the bottom and click “Next step”.

2. Choose your delivery method:

Send download link via email.

Add to Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, or Box.

3. Select the file type and size:

• File type: Choose between .zip or .tgz.

• File size: Specify the maximum size for individual files. Larger files will be split into multiple parts.

Step 5: Create Export

1. Click “Create export”.

2. Google will begin preparing your data, which may take hours or even days depending on the size of the data.

Step 6: Download Your Data

1. Once the export is ready, you’ll receive an email with a download link.

2. Open the email and click on the link.

3. Sign in to your Google account if prompted.

4. Click “Download” and save the file to your device.

Step 7: Extract and Review

1. Locate the downloaded file on your computer.

2. Extract the .zip or .tgz file.

3. Open the folders to view and manage your Google data.


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